Saoirse, Reachwitch

A witch of the Reach, Saoirse was born twenty-six years ago to a coven of Nocturnal followers known as the Sisterhood of the Shadows. Saoirse is dark of hair and eyes. Her skin is pale and body marred with a hard life lived in inhospitable lands. Saoirse is shorter than average and thin from a childhood of malnutrition and stunted growth.A sorcerer of dark magics and alchemy, Saoirse once aspired to be a hagraven, a permanent transformation considered to be a great honor. With the birth of her son, Aodh, Saoirse's priorities changed.Last year, Saoirse left the only land she has known, that of the Reach, to travel south to Spatharia in search of her former clan members of the Bull-Horn. She seeks out Cadmor, son of Vrannoch, to encourage him to become the Ard he was meant to be.The pair have returned to the Reach. Saoirse puts the burden of Aodh's future on Cadmor's shoulders. Does he belong in the Reach or the clan's adopted land surrounded by Imperials?

The Bull-Horn

Cadmor, Ard
Son of Vrannoch, Cadmor was born to be chieftain of the Bull-Horn.An unholy union between Bull-Horn and Coven, brought Cadmor to Saoirse's attention. Aside from being the chieftain's heir, Cadmor was arguably their best warrior. To Saoirse, and the other maidens, Cadmor was viewed as the ideal mate. But, he would not choose a wife from the witches' coven, and Saoirse was wed to another of the Bull-Horn.Now reunited, Saoirse pushes Cadmor to be the leader he was destined to be. In the process, she has brought him back to the Reach, giving him authority over the future of her son Aodh.

Aodh, son of Saoirse
Born to Saoirse, Aodh was sired not by her husband Donn but Vrannoch, the former leader of the Bull-Horn, making him the half brother of Cadmor. Aodh is a boy of five years old with ruddy-brown hair and harsh gray eyes. As a son of Vrannoch, Aodh is large for his age eating more than his mother's coven could provide. By the end of his time with the Sisterhood, the witches had begun preparations to sacrifice him in ritual to the Spirits of the Reach.

Donn, husband to Saoirse
Wed into the Bull-Horn clan at the age of sixteen, Saoirse was married to Donn, a minor clan warrior and hunter. He was a cruel husband but one who did provide shelter and food and protected her during raids. He, however, could not protect her from himself. Unable to conceive together, coupled with his personal failures as a warrior, Donn drowned his sorrows nightly in ale and his wife.

Vrannoch, Former Ard
Vrannoch, leader of the Bull-Horn, was responsible for many of the tragedies in Saoirse's life.Late into the war against the Decentii, and viewing Donn as both a failure as a warrior and man, Vrannoch violently forced himself on Saoirse's small body.With Vrannoch's death at the hand of his clan, Saoirse fled the Bull-Horn. As a practitioner of dark magics, fearing their passivization would lead to her death, she fled back to the Reach where she gave birth to Vrannoch's final son, Aodh.



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